"في وطننا وفرة من المواد الطبيعية، ولكن ثروتنا الأغلى التي لا تعادلها ثروة مهما بلغت: شعبٌ طموح، معظمه من الشباب، هو فخر بلادنا وضمان مستقبلها بعون الله."

صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير محمد بن سلمان آل سعود ولي العهد ورئيس مجلس الوزراء المملكة العربية السعودية

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نشارك في رسم ملامح مستقبل واعد من خلال تقديم تدريب نوعي لمجتمع صحي ​

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Patient safety management

Training Hours


Training Days


Training Type


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Training Program Description:

The program focuses on understanding the basics of health safety, modern technologies for risk management, and how to deal with medical accidents and emergencies quickly. The program also enhances the interaction between medical teams to ensure improved quality of care and reduce medical errors.

Program General Objective:

The course aims to enhance the skills of participants in patient safety management, by providing effective tools and techniques to ensure improvement of the healthy environment, reduce risks, and achieve the best health care results.

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Patient safety management

Main Topics

  1. Basic concepts in patient safety
  2. Medical risk management
  3. Quality and safety systems in health care
  4. Communication between medical teams


Bachelor of Nursing




Detailed Objectives:

Understanding the basic concepts of patient safety, identifying risk management strategies, developing communication skills and cooperation between medical teams, reviewing tools and assisting systems in promoting patient safety




Target Audience:

  • doctors
  • Nurses
  • Healthcare managers
  • Quality and management staff in hospitals
  • Specialists in risk management and health care.

Trainer Information:

Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Taha Al -Mustafa 

Dean of the College of Nursing at the university

Registration Fee Information:

 Communicate to request a price quotation